Oh, Holy Spirit, Author and Perfector of Faith …

Oh, Holy Spirit, Author and Perfector of Faith …

I pray that you continue to bless those who study at Martin Luther College, those who instruct them in the saving truths, and those who, like Aaron and Hur, hold up the prophet’s hands in support of this ministry.

You inspired St. Paul to instruct us that the lost cannot be saved if they do not hear the saving Word, and they cannot hear that Word unless someone speaks to them about it, and no one can speak about it unless they are sent. I thank you for preserving the unconditional Gospel throughout the ages just as was promised. I ask for you to bless the multitudes of your people who willingly and faithfully are compelled by their love of Christ to support the ministry of this institution; I thank you for the faithful servants you have sent to our school who daily train your lambs for Christian lives on earth and for eternity.

And, finally, I pray you use the gifts of those who serve both in public and personal ministry to keep the body of Christ rooted in faith, and to daily shine forth the wonders of him who brought us out of darkness into his marvelous light.

In Jesus Name,

-Jim Hahn, Mission Advancement Director, Minnesota Valley Lutheran HS