Dearest Lord of the Church, we glorify your name!

Dearest Lord of the Church, we glorify your name!

You have gifted us with our workers and our worker training program. We thank you for your providence!

Please, as only you are able, continue to bless and keep Martin Luther College. Provide her with all necessary servants: a Christ-centered leadership staff, spirit-filled and scripture-loving professors and instructors, and the silent army of servants who move her along each day.
Prove your fatherly care over the students who fill her classrooms. As they are away from their families, comfort them with the certainty of adoption as sons and daughters of the King. May there be peace, friendship, laughter, and joy among the brothers and sisters in Christ on campus!

When they do return home, grant them all traveling safety. May those hearts who long to have them back in open arms, receive them with all eagerness and celebration. Offer these students the opportunity to exercise what you teach to them within their own home congregations that they might witness the Word at work!

Finally, among those of us who look back at your campus with fond memory of our own instruction, privilege us with the opportunity to participate in the support of these servants and students. Whether financially, personally, or in prayer, permit us to play a role in your grand plan for Martin Luther College.

Dearest Lord of the Church, we glorify your name! Amen!