A MLC Day Prayer

Dear Risen Good Shepherd of the Sheep,
Guard and keep the flock we call Martin Luther College through these challenging days. 
Bless all our 2020 graduates in whatever way they serve you:  whether called into public ministry, continuing their education at seminary, or serving you in countless other ways. 
Bless our new and returning students with an understanding that the current crisis in our world underlines the reason they are studying for gospel ministry: to give eternal hope to a dying world.
Bless our faculty and staff with faithfulness to you, zeal for their tasks, and love for all those you send to study on our hill.
Bless MLC’s president and his wife, Mark and Colette Zarling, with the peace and joy of knowing that their labors these past years have not been in vain.
Give our entire synod a renewed joy in your gospel and an increasing willingness to support generously the work of that gospel with their gifts and prayers.
Hear us, for your love and mercy’s sake, Lord Jesus!  Amen
~ Rich & Sue Gurgel  (MLC’s president-elect and spouse)